di-maggioBreakfast with Professor Marco Di Maggio of the Harvard Business School at the Meliá Hotel in Kirchberg

Professor Di Maggio is in the Finance Unit at the Harvard Business School, with interests in asset pricing, banks and banking, corporate finance, financial intermediaries, and networks.  Among his achievements are:

  • Included as one of “40 Best Business School Professors Under 40” by Poets & Quants in 2016.

  • Winner of the 2016 Best Paper in Market Microstructure Award for “The Value of Trading Relationships in Turbulent Times” with Zhaogang Song and Amir Kermani (forthcoming in the Journal of Financial Economics). The award was sponsored by NASDAQ at the Annual Meeting of the Financial Management Association.

The event was arranged on very short notice, as we did not know about Prof. Di Maggio’s visit to Luxembourg until just a few days before he came. We had a great breakfast and interesting conversation about Prof. Di Maggio’s work, about Luxembourg, and about the business school and the university in general.